Thoughts on branding and culture
7 ways to use your brand to attract and keep top talent in a virtual workplace
if you’re going to have a shot at recruiting the best talent and keeping them you not only need flexible working arrangements but a culture that fosters a sense of belonging and connection for people who work remotely.
Building your values and culture: a blueprint for success
Studies show that strong brand values and culture help drive revenue growth. And we have your do-it-yourself guide to shape values that will do more than gather dust in your drawers…
Outlaw, Lover, Jester, Sage: What’s your brand archetype?
Brand archetypes can help sharpen your business’s personality and offer creative inspiration for your look & feel. But only if you use them right…
You had me at hello. Finding your brand personality…
Every successful business has a distinct brand personality. Craft the right one and you give yourself a headstart in your marketing. Fail to plan and you might be hurting your customer engagement.
Want to live your values? Build on them.
A strong culture relies on living your organisation’s values. There’s no better symbol of this than one company who literally built theirs into the architecture of their building.
Tell your business story better with a Brand Positioning Statement
How do you tell your story? A Brand Positioning Statement is a simple exercise to help define and distinguish your business.
Why naming a business is harder than naming a baby: A step by step guide to creating a powerful business name
Naming your business is harder than naming a baby. This step by step guide will help you create a powerful name for your business.
Adidas uses story to shape our reality for the better
Stories shape our sense of reality. Which makes Adidas’s new “Impossible is Nothing” campaign an important social driver to change our idea of what our society looks like.
Powershop’s problem with purpose
Powershop’s sale to Shell is a sustainability problem but also a catastrophic brand blunder. And it shows the importance of purpose in any business.